Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 It's been a fun past few days around the McKnight household with all the dressing up and costume changes!  I don't have a lot of news to talk about so I'm just going to post a lot of pictures.

Carys seemed to find the costumes hilarious...I love the way she covers her mouth when she laughs!

On the way to school this morning
The big boys and their costumes...Brayden wanted to be a power ranger or "ninja" as he called it and Grayson wanted to be cowboy.  Although being a cowboy is not anything new around our house!  Grayson wears his cowboy gear most you will see in the pictures, he came home and put his chaps and vest on to go outside to demolish all the mushrooms in our yard!  Our little Hero!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

getting into the swing of things


It feels so good to be getting into the swing of things and establishing a routine.  Both Carys and Chandler, who are affectionately referred to as "the babies" are doing better than I could have every hoped.  They still sleep great at night...from 7:00 to 7:00!  And my "big boys" have stepped up the the plate.  I have been so proud of Brayden and the way he  has taken on new responsibilities!  He LOVES to help...he feeds the babies and has even ventured into changing diapers (only wet ones!) all by himself.
    We took the babies back to the doctor last week...or should I say I took them while Chad watched the big boys.  I was not sure how that would work since both need to be carried in a place like that!  But I finally figured it out...I used my umbrella stroller for one and carried the other...It worked out PERFECTLY!  And the doctor was so impressed with how much they had gained. About two pounds each in that short period of time.  We gotta be doing something right :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

And we are BACK!

     Yes, we have been back a little while now but life has been really crazy!  (I know, you can't imagine!  Haha)

All the children are doing really well.  The two little ones are adjusting amazingly well and the two bigger ones are being a big help.  We did have a little scare on the plane...the 13 hour plane we took both little ones to the doctor the day after we landed.  The doctor seemed to think Chandler was just fine but was a little concerned about Carys's size ( I think I already mentioned she is tiny!)  Her height and weight were both below the 3rd percentile but I can't wait to take her back and see how much she has grown!  She loves pediasure so we give it to her ALL the time...that should pack some pounds on her!  They are both taking naps (sometimes long and sometimes short) but they always sleep well during the night, like 11-12 hours!  Very excited about that!

I just love the way he crosses his feet when he sits!


 My goal is to get some family pictures or at least pictures with all the kids together.  As of now...still have not completed that goal!  Chad and I took the little ones out for a short time today but the big boys are gone to the state fair with grandparents so no pictures of them still.  I'll post a few that we have taken through the week.
Brayden and Grayson are such good big brothers...They LOVE to
 help Carys walk around!
It is VERY necessary to dump out ALL the toys when they play:)