Friday, November 18, 2011

And we have become.....

Americanized!  I think we can finally say that Carys and Chandler are true siblings in this American family.  Yesterday I caught them sitting on the couch fighting over my iphone!  Just the fighting part is a huge improvement which may seem weird to say but Carys would not fight over anything.  Being use to life in the orphanage, she accepted what was taken away from her without a sound or even a sad look.  Now she is definitely trying to defend her claim.  Although in this iphone...Chandler is way to strong for her to take anything away from him.  One day last week, I heard one of my older boys say, "mom, get Carys, she is in my way."  That was the first time they have not been completely enamored with her.  But I have to say I love it. WHY?  Because it means that we are actually becoming a normal family again.  All brothers and sisters!
     The "babies" have now been in the USA for 1.5 months and they can even use the phone appropriately.   Chandler will put it
up to his ear and say "hello"  while I have found that Carys can start the music going from my itunes...I have no idea how she does that!
fighting over the phone

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 It's been a fun past few days around the McKnight household with all the dressing up and costume changes!  I don't have a lot of news to talk about so I'm just going to post a lot of pictures.

Carys seemed to find the costumes hilarious...I love the way she covers her mouth when she laughs!

On the way to school this morning
The big boys and their costumes...Brayden wanted to be a power ranger or "ninja" as he called it and Grayson wanted to be cowboy.  Although being a cowboy is not anything new around our house!  Grayson wears his cowboy gear most you will see in the pictures, he came home and put his chaps and vest on to go outside to demolish all the mushrooms in our yard!  Our little Hero!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

getting into the swing of things


It feels so good to be getting into the swing of things and establishing a routine.  Both Carys and Chandler, who are affectionately referred to as "the babies" are doing better than I could have every hoped.  They still sleep great at night...from 7:00 to 7:00!  And my "big boys" have stepped up the the plate.  I have been so proud of Brayden and the way he  has taken on new responsibilities!  He LOVES to help...he feeds the babies and has even ventured into changing diapers (only wet ones!) all by himself.
    We took the babies back to the doctor last week...or should I say I took them while Chad watched the big boys.  I was not sure how that would work since both need to be carried in a place like that!  But I finally figured it out...I used my umbrella stroller for one and carried the other...It worked out PERFECTLY!  And the doctor was so impressed with how much they had gained. About two pounds each in that short period of time.  We gotta be doing something right :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

And we are BACK!

     Yes, we have been back a little while now but life has been really crazy!  (I know, you can't imagine!  Haha)

All the children are doing really well.  The two little ones are adjusting amazingly well and the two bigger ones are being a big help.  We did have a little scare on the plane...the 13 hour plane we took both little ones to the doctor the day after we landed.  The doctor seemed to think Chandler was just fine but was a little concerned about Carys's size ( I think I already mentioned she is tiny!)  Her height and weight were both below the 3rd percentile but I can't wait to take her back and see how much she has grown!  She loves pediasure so we give it to her ALL the time...that should pack some pounds on her!  They are both taking naps (sometimes long and sometimes short) but they always sleep well during the night, like 11-12 hours!  Very excited about that!

I just love the way he crosses his feet when he sits!


 My goal is to get some family pictures or at least pictures with all the kids together.  As of now...still have not completed that goal!  Chad and I took the little ones out for a short time today but the big boys are gone to the state fair with grandparents so no pictures of them still.  I'll post a few that we have taken through the week.
Brayden and Grayson are such good big brothers...They LOVE to
 help Carys walk around!
It is VERY necessary to dump out ALL the toys when they play:)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It almost time!

If only travel could be this easy!

And we are off…well, tomorrow!!   I am thanking God that Chad made it here safely!  It is so nice to have him back with me although I know his going home was for the best!
We have had a fantastic time here experiencing Russia and seeing the culture but are ecstatic to be going back home to unite with our other children!

On a little bit of a side note, I want to thank both of our Families (Chad’s and mine)!!  They have been there for us throughout this whole adoption process and we could not have done it without them!  Thank you Mrs. Donna for clearing your life this month to come and live with our boys.  I know they can be a handful but they love ya’ll so much!  I know I left them in capable hands!!  And thank you Mom for flying more than half way across the world to begin this unknown adventure with me!  I definitely could not have survived here without your help!!  We both LOVE ya’ll so very much!

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23, 2011
      Another day around the hotel but a good day.  We did the usual in the morning…wake up around 7:30, eat breakfast, go upstairs to the White Rabbit and skype, and then come back down to dress and get ready for the day.
      Carys is walking more and more every day.  She walked half way across the living room and even stood up on her own (in the middle of the room). She even ate several crackers today!  Huge improvements! 
      Chandler is playing more and more…not clinging to me.  He is even smiling more!  Tonight, he even enjoyed his bath for a short time.  He sat in the water and played!
      I can’t not express how much the children are growing and developing into themselves.  It just shows me how important it was that we listened to God about adopting these two children!!  I know He hand picked both Carys and Chandler for our family!

The Children LOVE to look at themselves in the mirror…just thought I would share these pictures!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A little downtime today

My sweet Baby Chandler

We had a great day today just hanging around the hotel with nothing to do.  The weather was really nice today so we spent some time outside.  We sat in the grass for a little while and enjoyed the sun!
      Both Carys and Chandler are doing so great.  I am so proud of them.  Carys is so full of life and personality!!  She is so determined and can do just about anything she sets her mind to. And Chandler is opening up more and more.  He LOVES the stacking cups I brought with us and one must be with him at ALL times…notice in the pictures!  It makes me wonder if he had some type of security item at the orphanage. 

      I love to watch them play together.  It just melts my heart!  I tried to take some pictures tonight as they were playing before bed.  It’s pretty hard to get a good picture of a 0ne year old and two year old together!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


September 20, 2011
Gotcha Day for Chandler!!  I am so excited to finally have both my Russian babies with me.  It was wonderful that both my Mom and Carys were able to go with me to pick up Chandler.  The trip back to the hotel was rather short so both Carys and Chandler did great. 
      He is so lovable and cuddly.  Definitely the baby of the family!  He seemed a little nervous at first to sit and play but Carys came over and that seemed to help him get comfortable (until she stole his toy!)  Sibling rivalry already at work! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

sightseeing on the beach

My sweet little Carys

    We went to the beach today!  (or something like that!)  They have a small beach/park right down from our hotel so Mom, Carys, and myself all took a stroll down there today for several hours.  It was one of the most fascinating things I have seen here yet.  It was sunny here today but probably in the 60's.  The funny thing was that some people had on winter hats, coats, and layers and layers of clothes while some people were actually laying out and swimming in their bathing suits!!!  All on the same beach.

 I don't have a lot to say today but wanted to share a few pics we took today.

Another Day in Vlad...

September 17, 2011
      Time in Vlad is going by…sometimes slowly and sometimes a little more quickly.  It is great to have my mom here with me! She helps me keep Carys entertained and keeps me sane!  I do love this opportunity that I have to stay in Russia with my sweet Russian babies but I am anxiously awaiting returning home to be a whole family once again. I miss my two older boys so so much!!!
      Today we were able to go into town to the baby store and the grocery store. ( a little excitement for our dayJ) Carys is doing better with each car ride.  She seems ok at first but its like she remembers she is in a car and begins to panic.  There are no car seats here so I’m sure when we have her back in the US strapped down in a car….The screaming will return! 
      There is this baby book I brought from home that Carys absolutely loves.  She will talk (aka: babble) to the book for what seems like hours.  It has pictures of children and a small mirror in it, which she makes funny faces in.  I just love to watch her interact and open up.  She is changing everyday and showing more personality.  She has been with us for 8 days and I can tell a HUGE difference.  She actually comes to me with a smile.  She desires to be picked up! (we are still working on the cuddling part…I know it will come in time!)  And she laughs now…something we could not get her to do in the orphanage.  It just goes to show you how right that old saying is…”A little love goes a LONG way.”  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011
     Carys has done remarkably well.  I have been so impressed with how she has handled everything.  (We are not able to pick up Chandler until after the 10-day waiting periodL)
     I got just a little nervous with her first feeding here as I thought she was going to refuse to eat.  I had food on a spoon (she has never eaten anything solid…only soup like) and she refused to open her mouth.  I then tried giving her juice through a Sippy cup and she kept turning her head.  Eventually, I took the top off of the cup and she started gulping.  And then eating!  Yay!  And she has not stopped yet.  We are still working on the Sippy cup thing.  She has not got the concept of sucking through the top down just yet.  I bet her older brothers can teach her pretty quickly!
     Her usual routine is sleeping 11-12 hours at night and taking a 2 hour morning nap.  As I am typing this, she is actually napping now (at 3 pm) but she had developed a cough since we have had her and I think it is wearing her out.  She eats GREAT!   Just about anything I offer her although she does not want cold juice.   I believe she is use to everything being room temperature.  She gets so excited when I put her bib on her but never complains about being hungry or wanting more.  Although, I don’t think I have given her an opportunity to be hungry!!!  She is so TINY I am trying to feed her every chance I get.  I could almost cry when I see her whole body…..she is skin and bones!  But we are hopefully changing that!!!
     We went walking outside today.  The weather is so pretty and we needed a change of scenery.  She loves to walk (holding onto our hands) but tires easily.  After walking for a few minutes, she stops and lifts her hands up so that she can be picked up.  So many things to work on!  

September 8, 2011

Today was Court day.  I had mixed emotions about court for several days before.  I was excited that the day was closing in but also very nervous for the actual process. (going before a Russian judge that could grill you for as long as they like….all through a translator!)
     Thankfully, court was as painless as possible and God was with us!  Two social workers spoke on our behalf and stated that we seemed to love the children and they loved us.  Our petition was granted after only ONE hour!  Russians have a mandatory 10-day waiting period before the paperwork is signed and the children officially become ours.
     After court we were able to go pick up Carys from her orphanage.  We dressed her in our clothes and after a few goodbyes’ from her caretakers we were on our way!  The car ride back to our hotel was about 30-45 minutes.  Carys did remarkably well for about 20 minutes.  She just let a few little whimpers out at first…you could tell she was trying to be so brave!  Then, poor thing, she got sick EVERYWHERE!  Chad happened to be holding her (in his suit from court) and ended up covered.  At least we had her and were on the way to the hotel!